вівторок, 18 січня 2011 р.

Hey, you there, yeah, you there, I see you over there. I decided not to say all those bla bla bla stuff. Just check out thise pics. I hope, you'll like it :)


omg colour of skin

perfect place for reading ^^

вівторок, 11 січня 2011 р.

Hey ya!

Feels like I've been in hibernation for the whole winter. Partly it's true, because our winter is like a cold november with all those blues and lazyness. So I didn't have any lust to make new notes in my blog. I was really depressed, kind of. But, luckily, all this creepy stuff I left in the past and now I'm positive again and just wanna show you a few things that made me say "awwww" when I saw them, or something that I really liked this sad winter. Take a look:
Megan Fox : still hot, no matter what :D

Huge srarves -- my love this season.

You probably don't know him, but beleive me, he's totally GOD!

Even dead she is beautiful as hell

fake fure dresses-- total love!!

It'll make you barf from cuteness-- me and my litle niece =))))
those shoes are what to die for!!

that's how people change for only 2 months. fuk eah

I'm totally obsessed about this oversized jacket. Love love love!!!

this lady is embodiement of elegance and beauty, no matter what other people say!!

My heart stops when I see this!

I hope it's a lucky owl


понеділок, 25 жовтня 2010 р.


It was sunny autumn day, me and my friend Rita decided to take few pictures on her new Canon, so take a look at them and on those pictures that I liked this month

неділя, 17 жовтня 2010 р.


Oh my God, it's getting colder and colder, winter gets closer and closer to us. And you might ask, what to wear in weather like that, I'l answer:"sweater of course!". Since my fourth birthday, my loving grandmother, that lives in Kiev,has been sending me a cute sweater every New year. Even if they didn't fit me, a always used to keep them, because it was a symbol to me.So nowadays I am concerned, that seather is the best clothes for our cold winters, some kind of every year trend. Check out some brands, that offer us some cute models of sweaters and cardigans:
I think Zara vision of winterlook is quite boring, and quite cheap. You wouldn't pay over 70$ for this sweater

 Bershka is more colourful, near 60-70$
 New Yorker -- 80 bucks
New Yorker
 Peek&Cloppenburg 50$
 New look 80$
New look

new look
 But from all of these sweaters i like this one, from second hand:

 И наверное, лучше всего и комфортнее всего все-таки, при нашей-то зиме, я буду чувствовать себя в Uggs, например как вот в этих примерно за 120$.

неділя, 10 жовтня 2010 р.

Goodbye 3 months of warmth, sun and freedom. Hello 9 months of coldness and work.Now it's rainy outside, and I realise that I miss this anomalously hot summer, the time when I hoped for something, laughed, danced and just hung out with my friends.
Итак, в этом посте я хочу рассказать о том, почему я скучаю, к чему стремилась, что меня впечатлало этим летом.
I miss our daily hang outs with Rita and Chatroulette

я скучаю по времени, когда почти все ходили в шортах

I miss summer Dresden

Я скучаю за нашими каждодневными гуляниями по вечерам

I miss FM

Я скучаю по времени, когда можно было высыпаться по утрам

I miss my bike

I miss my d-dreads =(

Я скучаю по теплу и солнцу

I miss our dirty dances

я скучаю за посиделками в маке =/

I miss my non-make up time.